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... “The Aesop's Shadow” Show told with shadow theater. Co. Three Languages ...

In this show, the story of the storyteller David Telese alternates with animations shadows of the puppeteer Cendrine Belleux.
A back and forth between words and the projected image takes the viewer into the plots of fables and the fabulous life of Aesop .
Aesop was a fabulist of ancient Greece. His fables have spanned the ages and continue to be material that depicts human nature in a roundabout and playful way..
Encountering animals with speech, from the clever cockchafer to the proud golden eagle or from the reckless mosquito to the disdainful lion and even the most cunning of foxes, gives children the greatest opportunity to enrich words and
their imaginary pictures.
Recommended Age: from 6 years

Date 8 May 2014
Time 16:30 - 17:15
Place Chambésy Library
Ch. Fountain 77
Type of event show
Target Audience from any public 6 years
Language French
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