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... The Adventures of Prince Achmed, Lausanne (CEO) ...

Who concert
des 5 years

Par Intermezzo

“Silhouettes in shadow come alive on screen and here we dive into the adventures of Prince Achmed. Inspired by the tales of the Thousand and One Nights, ce film d’anima- tion takes us into a world of princesses trapped people, lovers on the run and powerful magicians. A dreamlike and wonderful journey into the heart of the island of demons of Wak Wak, China, and other distant countries.
While the characters come to life in the voice of actress, two musicians broadcast melodies in the shadows. Rock Electric has ethnic psyche, the original soundtrack, interprets live, brings to light the ultimate classic.”

With : Florent Diara [percussion, sounds, ukulélé], Erwan Flageul [Guitar], Marie Neichel [voice] Composition musicale : Erwan Flageul Projection, sound and light : Manue Joubier Scenography and costumes : Claire Grosbois Film realized by : Lotte Reiniger [1926]

Date 31 July 2013
Time 20:30 - 21:45
Place Place St Maur
behind the cathedral
Type of event average
Target Audience every
Language French
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