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... The imaginary museum Playmobil ® ...

Photographs by Richard Unglik

Exposure 7 February 25 more 2014

French photographer and filmmaker Richard Unglik refers to masterpieces of art history to make scenes Playmobil ® game : The Mona Lisa, La Cène, Guernica ... It personalizes the famous figurines through costumes and borrowed from the old masters Accessories. After photographing each item, it uses graphics software to complete the recovery. This imaginary museum is presented in the form of twenty large images.

Three models in Playmobil ® complete exposure : a castle and two Swiss scenery, made by the Belgian modeler Bruno Peeters, known under the pseudonym Brubil.

The exhibition can be seen at Chillon Castle ® in Arms room and lounge Anken.

Every Sunday at 15:15, from April, an unusual tour of the castle and the exhibition is open to all visitors (the entrance to the castle still pay).

During the exhibition “The imaginary museum Playmobil ®”, a Game-term is available for younger guests who visit the exhibition and while having fun.

Free! Available for input box in French, English and German.

Date 7 February 2014 - 25 May 2014
Time All day
Place Château de Chillon
Avenue de Chillon 21
Type of event exhibition
Target Audience All
Language French
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