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... The black brothers, Biel (BE) ...

Performance dates
· Thursday 20. June - 19:30 - World Premiere
· Friday 21. June - 19.30h
· Saturday 22. June - 19.00h
· Sunday 23. June - 10.30h - Matinee

Duration of ideas: 2.5h includes. 20 My. Pause (Buffet with drinks and snacks)

A rhythm-opera

The pupils of Rudolf Steiner School Biel out in June 2013 the rhythm-opera "The black brothers", Based on the novel by Lisa Tetzner, People in the house in Biel. There are approximately 120 Students of the 1. and including 10. Participate in class.
The history

It's about the 12-year-old boys Giorgio Ticino, which is sold as a chimney sweep assistant to Milan. This speaks to a dark chapter of recent Swiss history: Ticino poor families were forced for decades, Boys for sale as chimney sweep agents to Milan. The last known cases of such rich Verdingbuben still in the middle of the last century.

Not suitable for children under 5 Years


Date 20 June 2013 - 23 June 2013
Time 0:00
Place Venue People's House
Aarbergstrasse 112
Type of event show
Target Audience every
Language German
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