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... Bazar de nuit, Lausanne (CEO) ...

avec Catherine Zarcate

” A night of storytelling is rare pearl !
Un Bazar, c’est beau, ça brille, it is warm, is the abundance! In this place, everything is possible: on y flâne, on y glane, on y boit un thé, marveled a carpet, a silk trying, we leave without buying anything! What a beautiful dream! The storyteller leads you to follow him, in the colorful alleys of his tales, mystery adventures, according to the human condition, it tells you about the innermost. Dreaming awake, out full heart!

Catherine Zarcate tale for thirty-two years for adults and children from 6 years; it is one of the pioneers of the revival of storytelling. Her repertoire draws from the East Asia, along the Silk Road and enriched by his travels around the world. It includes traditional tales, myths, an epic creations and several contemporary accounts. She loves vast frescoes much as intimate stories. His favorite stories are those that combine the depth and humor. Improvisatrice, specialist long periods, sa manière de conter est proche du chant indien ou du jazz.

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Organised by Alterreso

Date 29 March 2014
Time 18:00
Place Neighborhood House Under Station
By. Dapples 50
Type of event National Swiss storytelling Night
Target Audience All public
Language French
Map Unavailable
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