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the StoryMuseum

... Offers space-tales ...

BAR A CONTESE (cultural mediation, Goodwill offers, show)

Participatif - Spectacle / Théâtre d'objets

Stories to savor with the family! Randonnées, rhymes, ecological tale and other invented stories! Mini-spectacles participatifs et lectures Théâtre d’objets Dès 12 Réalisation: Mots et Couleurs Médiation: Musée des contes et récits On réservation for all types of events, festivals, schools, libraries, museums,book fair,, museums, House of fairytales,, etc.. museedescontes@bluewin.ch or +41 78 753 31 36 Agenda 2024 1er juin […]

Welcome chez Helvetia! (cultural mediation, Goodwill offers, show)

Reservations - show / Switzerland told through the centuries over stories! to taste!

Welcome Chez Helvetia to discover stories and legends of Switzerland! Helvetia says Switzerland and across borders. Médiation: Musée des contes et récits On réservation for all types of events, festivals, schools, libraries, museums,book fair,, museums, House of fairytales,, etc.. museedescontes@bluewin.ch Chalet des contes suisses – Il était une fois la Suisse © Nathalie Jendly, MDC – Musée des […]

Sparkling stories – Capital stories – Chalet des contes – Chalet des contes suisses (workshop, exhibition, cultural mediation, Goodwill offers, show)

Promotion of intangible cultural heritage, reading and cultural rights

“Sparkling stories” “Sparkling talesprogrammation de contes d’hiver et de Noël Winter & Christmas’s tales program. AGENDA 2024 Vevey (CEO) / 01.12.2024 at 18:30 / Neighborhood house Espace Bel-Air Lausanne (CEO) / 16.12.2024 à 10h30 / Cabane des Bossons Lausanne (CEO) / 18.12.2024 à 15h / Royal Savoy Hotel AGENDA 2023 Lausanne […]

Sweet Swiss and European stories to taste! Discoveries into the tablets (workshop, cultural mediation, Goodwill offers, show)

Séances de contes sur réservation

AGENDA été – fall 2024 1August 1 2024 – Vevey (CEO) Lors des festivités de la Fête nationale de 15h à 18h sous la grande tente, Place du Marché 30 September – Geneva (GE) School sessions 16 October – Romanel/sur/Lausanne (CEO) Festival des contes et livres 3 November – Pully (CEO) Médiation dans le cadre […]

Hall-Kamishibaï – Meet little K – Meeting Kamishibaï and Born to read (workshop, exhibition, cultural mediation, Goodwill offers, show)

Découverte de contes japonais et autres récits inventés du monde

ACTUALITES 2025 Le Hall-Kamishibaï est proposé par la bibliothèque du Musée des contes chaque vendredi matin à 10h (outside school holidays), in Vevey (CEO), Maison de quartier Espace Bel-Air, 12 North Street 26, 29 & 30 March – Lausanne (CEO) / Hall-Kamishibaï au Ciné-théâtre des Mutin.e.s 21 & 28 March – Vevey (CEO) / Printemps de […]

ONCE UPON A TIME IN SWITZERLAND (workshop, cultural mediation, Goodwill offers)

ONCE UPON A TIME IN SWITZERLAND Tales from yesterday for today Promotion and transmission of tales of Swiss intangible cultural heritage. Fantastic and marvellous characters of Swiss stories and légendes bring you on a visit of the different regions of Switzerland , from the plaines up to the mountains! The opportunity to discover pearls […]

The story of Charlie – Charlie Forever (workshop, cultural mediation, show)

Conte en images et en chansons - Séances pour groupes et scolaires - reservation mediation@lasuisseraconte.ch

“Do you know Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin?” Discovery tale, songs and pictures, the path of the creator and the creation of Charlot, sound petit Vagabond, eternal image of silent movies.   Conception et jeu: Nathalie Jendly with the knowing eye of Roger Jendly Scenography: Nathalie Jendly Texte: Amina Jendly, Nathalie Jendly et Roger Jendly Musique, songs: […]

Children tell (workshop, cultural mediation)

Reservations / Workshops and mini-stories storytelling festival for all structures also during school holidays.

Initiatives … Tales during confinement to discover every day on the Facebook page! a glance over to listen or invent tales – tales on the phone or online! Workshops and presentations by children storytellers For classes, groupes et toutes structures, festivals, libraries, museums,book fair,, Holiday Pass, etc.. Little traveling tellers – The […]

Cultural mediation and storytelling at the Museum (workshop, cultural mediation, Goodwill offers)

Tailor-made creation of a mediation action for museums based on either a temporary exhibition or a permanent exhibition, nous concevons pour vous une action de médiation pour les visiteureuses de tous âges et médiation pour les classes Différents concepts et actions sur mesure: storytelling tours and creative workshops (sketchbook, fanzines, mini-kamishibaï, origami, etc.), spectacles […]

Participatif – Storytold steps round the world (workshop, exhibition, cultural mediation, Goodwill offers, show)

Reservations - expo,Singing games, fables and stories invented - School, museums, House of fairytales,, school classes, birthdays

              participatory exhibition in height & rsquo; child! The children enter and travel the world opening doors round the world and discovering stories, rhymes, and stories. Opening small doors, little puppets and elements of scenography enable them to bring to life the stories they read in the books.! The interactive exhibition is […]

Participatif – Nursery rhymes (workshop, cultural mediation, Goodwill offers, show)

Atelier/ Spectacle / Marionnettes / Théâtre d'objets

“Rhymes mouths to ears” Nursery rhymes to discover and play! Agenda 2021 20 September – Veysonnaz (VS) in the Festival “Place aux Mômes” Realisation: Mots et Couleurs Médiation: Museum of tales and stories Duration: depending on the application “Marvel’Eggs!” Stories for eater season and games! Reservations […]

Participatif – Stories in boxes! (workshop, exhibition, cultural mediation, Goodwill offers)

Reservations - Spectacle interactif

Stories in boxes! Un couvercle qui s’ouvre, une page qui se tourne et te voilà dans une maison, un palais ou dans Paris! Des objets, des personnages, toute une histoire! 3 stories / contes et randonnée Tous les vendredis matins sur réservation, House of tales and stories “Outside the Walls”, 12 North Street – […]

Participatif – Creation of shows (cultural mediation, show)

Reservations - Tales facetious - County Theater

Participatory show created to measure for all occasions, theaters, festivals, vacation course, etc.. depending on the themes addressed whether they are topical, linked to a particular program or even for schools depending on the project and program. An example: Mon petit village La vie d’une rue du Moyen-Orient s’anime au gré de contes facétieux dont […]

Participatif – Bird Stories (workshop, cultural mediation, Goodwill offers, show)

Spectacle / Marionnettes / Théâtre d'objets

3 Bring to Life Bird's stories with elements of scenography, a tree and props and little bird puppets : clothing, suitcase, cover, téléphone, tv… Realisation: Mots et Couleurs Médiation: Musée des contes et récits On réservation for all types of events, festivals, schools, libraries, museums,book fair,, museums, House of fairytales,, etc.. museedescontes@bluewin.ch

Participatif – Night 10 stories (workshop, exhibition, cultural mediation, Goodwill offers, show)

Exposure - theater of objects and elements of scenography

Exposition interactive autour du sommeil. Realisation: Mots et Couleurs Offre de médiation du Musée des contes et récits “Outside the Walls” Réservation à museedescontes@bluewin.ch “C’est une structure d’animation itinérante qui à la forme d’un grand lit conçue pour mettre en scène 10 albums choisis autour de la thématique de la nuit et du sommeil, traités […]

Participatif – I tell up to 13 … (workshop, exhibition, cultural mediation, Goodwill offers, show)

Reservations - puppet shows / participatory / Travel the world through stories

I tell up to 13 … THEME : 13 stories of different countries, to tell, to listen, to play… Various and selected stories . all coming from illustrated albums “Words & Colours”. COMMENT: For every story we propose some “tools such as puppets, elements of scenography” enabling children to play the story : 13 “Storytelling boxes” autonomous. […]

Participatif – Light up a story! The matchbox of stories (workshop, exhibition, cultural mediation)

Reservations - Giant Matchbox of stories! sharing stories + creative workshop stories!

Interactive exhibition: In collaboration with the company Adventurers Interactive Installation Design and Animation: Nathalie Jendly Scenography: Nathalie Jendly Realization: Mike Carpenter Affiche, with painting “Matches” © Christian Robert-Tissot Agenda prochaines dates en 2019 8 novembre 10h à Vevey, the StoryMuseum “Outside the Walls” à l’occasion de la Nuit du conte […]

Participatif – A p & rsquo; s tit man & rsquo; was going to wood … (workshop, exhibition, cultural mediation, Goodwill offers, show)

object theater for toddlers

Participatory mini-shows out of the bundle! Participatory mini-shows out of the bundle! Participatory mini-shows out of the bundle! Participatory mini-shows out of the bundle, Participatory mini-shows out of the bundle. Participatory mini-shows out of the bundle. Participatory mini-shows out of the bundle “Outside the Walls” Participatory mini-shows out of the bundle 2022 4 September 2022 – – Veysonnaz (VS) […]

Splash! StoryBath Time!! Plongez dans les contes! (workshop, Goodwill offers, show)

Atelier/ Séances Kamishibaï

SPLASH! BATH OF STORIES! ” For everyone to dlve into the world of stories, time to share some tales from the world and other stories invented with different media!” Nathalie Jendly Calendar 2021 Ephemeral library of the Musée des contes du 4 th of July 29 September a weekly meeting, the […]

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