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the StoryMuseum

... Our offers ...

Library Switzerland tells allows you to view various works on the stories and legends of Switzerland and elsewhere. The listening of the Swiss National Sound Archives position allows you to see the Swiss sound archives. Switzerland tells offers products such as exhibitions, lectures, workshops and other activities around the story, past and future. Workshops cultural mediation host classes from kindergarten to discover various topics related to the story.


Since September 2012, the the StoryMuseum East “Outside the Walls” and search for new premises (your local proposals are welcome : contact us).

Meanwhile, you can visit us in Vevey, Friday morning at 10 a.m., during our permanence: Conversation and reading workshops in French with l’ Heure du conte Kamishibaï andNé pour lire” (book awakening animation for toddlers) (outside school holidays)

Réservation à museedescontes@bluewin.ch

A L’Espace Bel-Air – Neighborhood house
North Street 12, Vevey (see on the map)
In Vevey (CEO)
Every Friday morning at 10 a.m.
– Conversation and reading workshop in French – Kamishibai Story Time and “Né pour lire” (except school holidays)
– 30.01 Candlemas Special / Choice of children's albums around the candlestick and pancake tasting
– 21.03 Special Printemps de la poésie
– 23.05 Spécial Fête de la Nature 1) à 10h Né.e pour lire et séance kamishibaï / 2) à 10h45 Atelier à la rencontre des signaux électriques
9 and 16 more – Spécial BDFIL OFF / Let's eat! / à 10h
Excluding the walls in French -speaking Switzerland
15 & 16 February – Ecublens (CEO) – EPFL / MEET LITTLE K à Japan Impact – Hall-Kamishibaï
19 March – Geneva (GE) – Meet Little K à La ComédieWednesday comedy – Arts Bridge / 14h-14h30 séance kamishibaï pour les tout-petits et de 15h à 16hatelier de création de mini-kamishibaïs
26, 29 and 30 March – Lausanne (CEO) Hall-Kamishibaï / Japan tales and stories – Ciné-Théâtre des Mutin.e.s, rue du Petit St Jean 1A / à 15h et 16h

The Museum of tales and stories, created 2008, is a place where everyone can come and discover the stories of Switzerland and elsewhere and share their own life stories. Il comprend deux espaces:

  • one Library, offering consultation, storybooks and legends, participatory exhibitions and installations as well as a listening station for the Sound Library
  • a space-tales, welcoming all ages to discover and share the wealth of some accounts of Swiss heritage and elsewhere

We also host classes, museums, House of fairytales,, groupes, apprenants en français et familles pour des activités autour du conte (see cultural mediation) et proposons spectacles, workshops, conferences, expositions interactives à la demande de festivals, museums, schools, HEP, garderie, libraries, museums,book fair,, ems, book fairs, Nuit du conte en Suisse et anniversaires, etc..

Le fonds des livres de la bibliothèque du Musée des contes et récits a été rassemblé grâce aux dons généreux faits par des particuliers, des associations et des bibliothèques de Suisse romande dont un choix est en consultation. If you also want to donate your books on tales and legends, you can write to us and it is with pleasure that we add your documents to our collection.

L’association remercie la Ville de Vevey et ApsaraArts Geneva.