<< < Sea 2025 > >> MyTueWedThuFriSatSun 24 25 26 27 Conference “Genres and stories”, Lausanne (CEO) 28 Born to Read and Kamishibai Story Time, Vevey (CEO) 1 2 "Daily life" visit 3 4 5 Discovery visit "The big chest to the stories ! » 6 7 Born to Read and Kamishibai Story Time, Vevey (CEO) 8 9 Visit "Eat in the Middle Ages" and lunch"Daily life" visit 10 11 12 13 14 Born to Read and Kamishibai Story Time, Vevey (CEO)attic of tales, Champagne (CEO) 15 16 "Daily life" visit 17 18 19 Kamishibai session for toddlers, Geneva (GE)Kamishibaïs workshop, Geneva (GE) 20 Conference “The 1001 Nights”, Lausanne (CEO)I musicanti di Brema, Losone (TI) 21 They assemble words and make a poem, Vevey (CEO) 22 Once upon a time, Geneva (GE)Fantastic medieval in Chillon 23 "Daily life" visit 24 25 26 The Fisherman and His Wife, Grand-Lancy (GE) 27 Kamishibai sessions, Lausanne (CEO) 28 Née.e pour lire & Heure du conte kamishibaï, Vevey (CEO) 29 Meet little K – Kamishibai sessions, Lausanne (CEO)Apéro-Tales, La Chaux-de-Fonds (NE) 30 Conference: Malagasy oral tradition, Geneva (GE)"Daily life" visitMeet little K – Kamishibai sessions, Lausanne (CEO)Wassilissa, Grand-Lancy (GE) 31 1 2 Discovery visit "The big chest to the stories ! » 3 the fisherman and his wife, Grand-Lancy (GE) 4 Born to Read and Kamishibai Story Time, Vevey (CEO)the fisherman and his wife, Grand-Lancy (GE) 5 the fisherman and his wife, Grand-Lancy (GE) 6 Animal tales and Animot workshop, Neuchâtel (NE)Half chicken and other tales of \\us animals"Daily life" visit
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