Enter the tales!
In Switzerland? Yes, the story is alive!
Just listen carefully to discover the flavor of what makes the richness of the arts practice of narrative storytelling and many storytellers relate to the four corners of the country, also in different dialects.
Directories are varied: an anthology of stories and tales of Swiss world, carried by the storytellers of communities from various international, some discovered and others to discover! The story is now in its various aspects, particularly in conjunction with local festivals and international, Collected, management, education, tourism legendary diversity, intercultural, research in academic and cultural memory .
The Swiss panorama of the story becomes clearer day by day. Since July 2008, the joint ratification by UNESCO in Switzerland and the Federal Office of Culture, conventions and diversity of ICH (Intangible Cultural Heritage), whose story is part, should facilitate the development of better knowledge directory, a profile of the holders of this heritage and extensive research.
Visit tales!
The storytellers here are all interpreters of the performing arts, whether or not associations which are many. They participate and / or organize many events. They also travel to schools, homes for the elderly, hospitals, the bedside of children, adolescents, museums and libraries in towns and villages. In collaboration with the tourism offices, and they travel with you on the trails of the mountains, valleys, towns, while telling, as in Fribourg, Biel, Dorénaz among others.
Various venues, cafes, libraries, museums, theaters include the tale in their programming. You can go and listen to stories invented or life, at festivals, storytelling evenings, evenings, nights of storytelling in Switzerland, worldwide day of storytelling, walks legendary slam meetings, circles of storytellers, storytelling evenings, cruises storytelling, Christmas markets and at village festivals. Appointments are held throughout Switzerland.
Travellers, visitors, groups, schools and public participation with a growing interest in tourism and visits legendary. On an evening, a morning, sometimes even holiday-narrated a week, you will be welcomed and invited to share stories, myths, called, here and elsewhere.
Courses are organized, training or continuing education, conferences, symposia and discussions around themes proposed by members and some opportunities for everyone. Publications are also available in the form of leaflets and diaries by the associations and it is possible to read many books published by various publishers in Switzerland and it is possible to consult in libraries, which offers various books in their collection.
Memory: tangible and intangible cultural heritage
If your not lead you in the land Fribourg Gruyères Castle, for example, then you are prompted to discover in the course of your visit: Chalamala storyteller exception: the iconic tales of mad Gruyères tale 1000 years history.
Recently, each visitor is invited to take the time to discover and then to forward this story invited to continue his discoveries about the paths of Gruyere, guided by the storytellers of the region in tourism legendary.

In the curriculum of schools of drama, the tale is sometimes included in the training of their students. In public schools, the story is usually addressed through its literary form, but less in the telling. It is interesting that are proposed projects that can meet the interest of schoolchildren, one of their teachers and their directions. Other executives of private schools, including Waldorf schools, the part is made with beautiful beautiful stories since kindergarten with hiking, nursery rhymes, fairy tales and in studies of primary level with the myths and legends. Its daily use is involved in learning, training and construction of language and the person.
In the narrative, role playing, drawing, children will discover the stories, myths and legends.
What developments in Switzerland? Come back on the site!
The present climate is gradually developing a networking respectful of the diversity of each region.
Many people working in the measure of time at their disposal, human resources and financial support to open to greater visibility regionally and nationally, both as storytellers Directory invented stories and life stories that He is and will be at the discretion of individual participation, can be discovered.
If your adventure and your desire not take you to Switzerland, welcome! Enter tales
Enter the tales!
Nathalie Jendly
Responsible of La Suisse raconte association